Debt Office's proposed nuclear waste fees for 2024–2026

News 2 lokakuuta 2023

On 29 September, the Swedish National Debt Office submitted proposals for nuclear waste fees and collateral amounts for reactor owners for the period 2024–2026 to the Government.

The Debt Office's proposal for nuclear waste fees and collateral amounts for 2024–2026

Reactor ownerNuclear waste feeCredit risk amount (SEK million)Risk margin (SEK million)
Forsmark 4.5 öre/kWh 5,934 19,144
Oskarshamn 7.5 öre/kWh 6,112 10,356
Ringhals 8.6 öre/kWh 8,150 17,049
Barsebäck SEK 264m/year 772 4,145

Source: The Swedish National Debt Office

Consultation: Nuclear waste fees and collateral amounts (RG 2022/814)

Press inquiries

Mats Lilja, press officer

The Debt Office's operations shall be characterized by an openness to the public and the media. The right of access to official business is a cornerstone of Swedish democracy.

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Mats Lilja, press officer
Press phone (office hours): +46(0)8-613 47 01, mobile +46(0)721-561 527
E-mail: Mats Lilja