Terms and conditions

General terms for nominal government bonds and inflation-linked bonds introduced after 31 December 2013

Specific terms for nominal government bonds

General and specific terms for nominal government bonds outstanding 31 December 2013

General conditions treasury bills

Specific terms inflation-linked bonds

General and specific terms for inflation-linked bonds outstanding 31 December 2013

Switch terms for inflation-linked bonds

Buyback terms for inflation-linked bonds

Sales conditions

Calculation example


Interest commencement date and base index for inflation-linked bonds

LoanMaturity dateInterest commencement dateBaseIndex
3102 2020-12-01 1995-12-01 January 1994 245.1
3108 2022-06-01 2011-06-11 June 2011 311.28
3109 2025-06-01 2013-06-01 November 2013 314.20
3112 2026-06-01 2015-06-01 November 2015 313.75
3103 2028-12-01 1997-12-01 January 1994 245.1
3104 2028-12-01 1998-12-01 January 1999 256.2
3111 2032-06-01 2014-06-01 January 2015 310.75
3113 2027-12-01 2016-12-01 November 2016 318.10
3114 2030-06-01 2019-06-01 November 2019 336.36
3115 2039-06-01 2021-06-01 June 2021 341.32
3116 2036-06-01 2024-06-01 June 2024 416.75

Foreign currency bonds

Commercial paper