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Compliance with the minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities – Q4 2024
Press release 6 March 2025
Today, the Swedish National Debt Office released its quarterly report on the Swedish systemically important banks’ and other institutions’ compliance with the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) at the end of the fourth quarter of 2024.
The quarterly report now also contains a section which describes the systemically important banks’ buffers against regulatory requirements. The purpose is to describe how much of the buffer of CET1 capital that is available to cover losses before the bank is in breach of a regulatory requirement or the Pillar 2 guidance. The report also demonstrates which regulatory requirement was the most restrictive at the end of the fourth quarter.
The Debt Office makes decisions on MREL annually. Further information about MREL and its application for Swedish institutions is available in the Debt Office’s MREL policy and on the Debt Office's website.
The report Minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) – Compliance Q4 2024.
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Mats Lilja, press officer
Press phone (office hours): +46(0)8-613 47 01, mobile +46(0)721-561 527
E-mail: Mats Lilja