Surplus for Swedish central government in September

Press release 7 October 2015

Swedish central government payments resulted in a surplus of SEK 4.8 billion in September. The Debt Office’s forecast was a deficit of SEK 0.9 billion. The difference is explained by an extra dividend from SJ AB and lower disbursements from central government agencies.

Payments to the Swedish central government were higher than forecast in September since SJ AB at an extra general meeting on September 25 decided to distribute SEK 1.7 billion to the state. In addition, the EU contribution and disbursements from, for example, the Swedish National Agency for Education and the CSN were lower than expected.

The Debt Office's net lending to government agencies was SEK 0.2 billion higher than calculated.

Interest payments on central government debt were SEK 0.2 billion lower than forecast.

For the twelve-month period up to the end of September 2015, central government payments resulted in a deficit of SEK 53.1 billion.

Central government debt amounted to SEK 1,355 billion at the end of September 2015.

The outcome for October will be published on 6 November 2015, at 9:30 am.

Further information can be obtained from:

Johan Sandberg, analyst, +46 8 613 47 37

Net borrowing requirement ¹ (SEK million)
1 The net borrowing requirement corresponds to the budget balance with opposite sign.
2 Sum of monthly forecast deviations since the latest forecast (June 2015).
3 Net of the state's primary income and expenditure excluding net lending to agencies.
 Outcome Sept.Forecast Sept.Dev. Sept.Acc.  dev. ²Outcome
Net borrowing requirement  -4 797 937 -5 734 -20 615 53 131
Primary borrowing requirement excl. net lending ³ 303 6 034 -5 731 -23 291 15 728
Net lending to agencies etc. -2 069 -2 304 235 2 206 21 098
Interest payments on central government debt -3 031 -2 793 -238 470 16 305
  - Interest on loans in SEK -2 803 -2 706 -97 643 4 862
  - Interest on loans in foreign currency -29 10 -39 -415 -419
  - Realised currency gains and losses -199 -97 -102 242 11 862

Sweden's central government debt September 2015, pdf

More data on the borrowing requirement and government debt