Newslist Deposit Insurance

New EU agreement on crisis management regulations

News 29 August 2019 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

The EU Ministers of Finance confirmed an agreement yesterday on a revised regulatory framework for crisis management in the banking sector – the EU Crisis Management Directive.

Debt Office adapts methodology to assess eligibility for simplified obligations in resolution planning

News 11 April 2019 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

The Debt Office, as resolution authority, has adapted its methodology for determining whether institutions should be subject to simplified obligations in resolution planning.

Decision on MREL for Danske Hypotek AB

News 11 April 2019 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

The Debt Office has made a decision on the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) for Danske Bank’s Swedish subsidiary Danske Hypotek AB. The decision is part of the work conducted by Danske Bank’s resolution college, which is led by the Danish resolution authorities...

Debt Office Director General commented on Brexit and EU Banking Package at press conference

Press release 20 February 2019 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

At today’s press conference on the Debt Office’s central government borrowing forecast, Debt Office Director General Hans Lindblad addressed the current issues of Brexit as well as the EU Banking Package and BRRD2.

Sweden is better prepared for a banking crisis

News 5 February 2019 Financial stability, About the Debt Office, Deposit Insurance

Sweden is now better prepared for a financial crisis than it was ten years ago. This was emphasised by Swedish National Debt Office Director General Hans Lindblad when he spoke today at the Riksdag Committee on Finance’s open hearing on financial stability.

Do banks still benefit from an expectation of an implicit state guarantee?

News 22 January 2019 Financial stability, About the Debt Office, Deposit Insurance

A new report from Finansinspektionen and the Swedish National Debt Office shows that the value of an implicit state guarantee for the major Swedish banks has decreased since the financial crisis in 2008–2009. This decrease is due to higher capital and liquidity requirements on the banks, a new...

Statement regarding Nordic-Baltic financial crisis simulation

News 21 January 2019 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

The Nordic and Baltic financial stability authorities have conducted a joint financial crisis management exercise. The exercise was held from 22 to 23 January 2019 and involved 31 authorities from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden as well as relevant European...

Update to questions and answers about MREL

News 8 October 2018 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

In February 2017, the Debt Office published a decision memorandum on the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL). A compilation of the Debt Office’s answers to questions about specific details in the memorandum is available on our website. Today, we have published an...

Stronger protection for depositors as of 1 July

Press release 27 May 2016 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

Sweden’s parliament has decided on changes to the Deposit Insurance Act that will strengthen the protection for depositors. The changes include setting the compensation level at 950 000 kronor instead of 100 000 euros. Also, it will be possible to receive higher compensation for certain temporary...

Carnegie acquires HQ Bank

News 3 September 2010 Financial stability, Deposit Insurance

Swedish National Debt Office seeks court declaration that Carnegie was taken over properly

Press release 29 July 2009 Financial stability, About the Debt Office, Deposit Insurance

The Swedish National Debt Office today submits an application requesting Stockholm City Court to declare that the takeover of Carnegie Investment Bank (CIB) and Max Matthiessen Holding (MM) was conducted properly.

Carnegie sale completed

Press release 19 May 2009 Financial stability, About the Debt Office, Deposit Insurance

Swedish National Debt Office sells Carnegie and Max Matthiessen

Press release 11 February 2009 Financial stability, About the Debt Office, Deposit Insurance

The Swedish National Debt Office has entered into agreements to sell the shares in Carnegie Investment Bank AB ("Carnegie") and Max Matthiessen Holding AB ("Max Matthiessen") to Altor Fund III ("Altor") and Bure Equity AB ("Bure"). The total value of the transactions amounts to SEK 2,275 million,...

Expanded deposit insurance

News 6 October 2008 Deposit Insurance

The Swedish government proposed an expansion of the deposit insurance as of October 6, 2008. The changes will strengthen the consumer protection for the general public’s deposits in banks.