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Deposit insurance and investor protection
As a rule, deposits are protected by the guarantee system of the country where the institution has its banking license.
Search for member institutions
Search for banks and institutions covered by the deposit insurance scheme and/or investor protection. To see a list of all banks and institutions, click directly on Search without entering anything into the search field.

How the deposit insurance works
Deposit insurance means that you are reimbursed by the central government if the bank or financial institution where you have your money is declared bankrupt. The insurance covers up to SEK 1,050,000 per person per institution.

What is investor compensation?
If a financial institution managing your securities fails, and you are unable to cash in your securities or receive your money, the investor compensation becomes applicable. This means that you can receive compensation for a maximum amount of SEK 250,000.
New EU agreement on crisis management regulations
The EU Ministers of Finance confirmed an agreement yesterday on a revised regulatory framework for crisis management in the banking sector – the EU Crisis Management Directive.
Debt Office adapts methodology to assess eligibility for simplified obligations in resolution planning
The Debt Office, as resolution authority, has adapted its methodology for determining whether institutions should be subject to simplified obligations in resolution planning.
Decision on MREL for Danske Hypotek AB
The Debt Office has made a decision on the minimum requirement for own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) for Danske Bank’s Swedish subsidiary Danske Hypotek AB. The decision is part of the work...
Debt Office Director General commented on Brexit and EU Banking Package at press conference
At today’s press conference on the Debt Office’s central government borrowing forecast, Debt Office Director General Hans Lindblad addressed the current issues of Brexit as well as the EU Banking...